Saturday 28 August 2010


Well, there's been a number of things I missed this week and no doubt some of you have too. So, instead of tearing my hair out at IBM, I thought I would take a break and do a little Round-Up Of Stuff.

The biggest piece of news this week was the attack on InWorldz by some fool who thinks it's clever to break stuff. Miso has voiced my opinions on the saga here.. saying."... hey botnet feebs: attacking Inworldz is like running over a kitten in a Cadillac; no skillz need apply. You want me to admire yer dastardly ch0pz? Hack or something really hard. Until then, yer small potatos. Any monkey or toddler can break a thing."

...and, like her, I think it is InWorldz who come out of the crap smelling of roses. I was able to get news of the repair job on Twitter as well as the forum, unlike the Boys who tell you what has happened after it's been fixed. Interestingly enough, or, maybe obviously, people who were inconvenienced were patient and understanding...'s about customer support...(last post)...

....which leads me on to the new reduced service that LL (who is not in any financial trouble) has decided would be good for their business. You can read about it here..... and cry...

On the lists of everyones top 200 things "What I Would Most Like the Lab to Do Next" I would bet good money that no-one has thought like the Boys. The Next a newsletter.... cringe...
Sandbox, it is to be called, and let's hope I am the first, not the last, to mention cat litter in the same sentence.
I could say a lot more about this, but I am trying, very hard, not to be 'down' on it before it comes out....tho....the idea that the Boys can do blogging better than the extremely good bloggers out there already seems extremely unlikely.... I would prefer if they did Support rather than Spin....

Accentuate the positive, soror!!...ahhh...OK...

Chantal has some great news... Peter Greenaway seems to be getting more and more involved with Machinima and is to be a judge in the upcoming competition. This sort of support from a credible film-maker is a real boost for the art.

..and.. Playlen Fairchild had an interview last night which I unfortunately missed...hasn't been fully blogged yet, unfortunately...and, it struck me that some may not have seen The Funniest Thing to have come out of SL, namely her machinima ...if you've seen it will brighten up your Saturday, if not......

well...have a great weekend...I'll go back to tearing my hair out...


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